Sunday, February 15, 2009

The SUNDAY morning

Sunday morning ~ 11am (Sunny day)

As usual, we went down to the market to buy breakfast. He bought duck rice and I had malay rice.

On the way walking home~~~ 1 side of my slipper give way!!!! Oh my god!!!
At 1st, I tried to walk very slowly dragging my slipper.. Then Ah dear says I am walking too slowly. So we exchange slipper. (His size is only 1 size bigger). He had a hard time trying to walk fast & to keep that slipper on his feet. LOL, LOL. **Looking at his clumsy act and penguin walking style; make me laugh like hell** Everyone who walk pass us will definitely look at his feet. Lol~ Feeling embarrass for him, I change back to my broken slipper; and I told him I believe I could manage better! – Walking and dragging .. Walking and dragging…. Ah dear said he had an idea~ I was told to wear his slippers and the next moment I saw my slippers flying across me… He threw my slippers (far, high) away! OH GOSH, I stare blank at him ~ How is he going home!?? He smile and walked on “I will walk home like this” . I walked quietly behind, feeling alittle guilty and sweet inside my heart. Walking on the road full of tiny stones & heat; ah dear did not complain.

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